Over three days this November, I will be walking 60 miles in the Arizona Breast Cancer 3-Day. This walk will be much more than “just a walk” – it will be raising money to support Susan G. Komen for the Cure and the National Philanthropic Trust Breast Cancer Fund.

Over the next several months, I will be spending many, many, many hours in training (By the time the walk starts, I will have logged enough miles to take me from Phoenix to my hometown of Houston!

I have committed to raising $2,200 to participate in this walk. Please consider making a fully tax-deductible donation to help me achieve this goal. I’ll be doing all the walking...all you need to do is follow this link to my fundraising headquarters to submit your contribution.

You may know someone who has been affected by breast cancer and I would be proud to walk in her honor as well. Please feel free to send me an email or leave a comment with their name. I will create a ribbon just for them and attach it to my backpack.

Breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death for all women, and the leading cause of death in women between the ages of 40 and 55. Both its cause and the means for its cure remain undiscovered. I’m taking on this challenge to do something big that will help raise awareness and help in finding a cure.

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. I hope that you’ll share in this incredible adventure with me. Please leave comments or email me (txaggie02@hotmail.com) if you have any questions.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Virtual Trainer 11 Weeks

I've been slacking on the blogging lately but I definitely haven't been slacking on the training or fundraising. Last week I completed all of my training plan (but in a slightly different order). We had a very tough walk on Saturday but finished about 11.5 miles before we went to a nutrition clinic sponsored by Foot Solutions. I completed the remaining 1.5 miles later that day. The nutrition clinic was very informative.

In other news my teammate Martie had a bunco party Friday night and it was a blast. I won a personnel fitness session, a lotion and shower gel set, and a bag of jelly bellies. I also made a pink ribbon cake for the party so I need to post a pic of that soon. Martie raised over $500 from the bunco party. We had so much fun that my other teammate Melissa and I are planning another bunco party. It will be Sept. 27th so we don't have much time to plan.

I also just had a Pampered Chef catalog show fundraiser. I don't know the totals yet but I'm estimating that I've raised about $100. WooHoo!

Countdown: 11 Weeks

Your Training Schedule for This Week:

Monday Rest
Tuesday 4 miles Easy walking
Wednesday 30 minutes Moderate cross-training
Thursday 5 miles Moderate walking
Friday 45 minutes Easy cross-training
Saturday 13 miles Easy walking
Sunday 9 miles Easy walking

Training Tip of the Week: Diabetic and Vegetarian Diets

Food is the fuel that you need to train for the Breast Cancer 3-Day. If you are a diabetic or a vegetarian it is important to choose the right kind of fuel to keep your weight down and your energy up.

Walking is a great exercise if you are a diabetic. It is helpful in lowering your weight and your blood sugars. If you are on medication such as insulin or sulfonylureas, you are at risk for low blood sugar during or after exercise. It is important to monitor your blood sugars and your caloric intake. If your blood sugar is <100>

  1. Aim to eat a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables daily.
  2. Eat leaner protein sources such as chicken breast without the skin, light meat turkey, fish and soy. Protein is important for maintaining the muscle strength and mass of your body.
  3. Try eating a whole-grain breakfast cereal, whole-grain breads, whole-wheat pasta or brown rice. Studies have shown that those who eat the recommended 25-35 grams of fiber daily are less likely to be overweight.
  4. Sportsdrinks are useful to decrease dehydration while exercising. Consuming sugar-free juices (ie. Crystal light or KoolAid) and snacks containing salt can accomplish the same goal.

In order for vegetarian diets to support optimal athletic performance, it is important to incorporate an adequate amount of protein into your daily diet. Many people believe that following a vegetarian diet means they automatically will lose weight. This is not necessarily the case as many vegetarians inadvertently have a high fat intake based on whole-fat dairy products, butter, eggs, cheeses, nuts and seeds. Below are some tips for following a healthy vegetarian diet to help lose weight, maintain an optimal protein intake and support your training walks.

  1. Choose low-fat or fat-free dairy products or low-fat fortified soy products.
  2. Build your protein around legumes, tofu and tempeh.
  3. Watch serving sizes on nuts and seeds; they are full of healthy fat but are very concentrated in calories.
  4. Avoid fried foods and choose those that are baked, broiled, or steamed.
  5. Add protein powder to shakes or cereal if you are not getting enough.
  6. Increase your bean intake; they are high in protein and fiber.
  7. Add soy products to your diet.
  8. Limit snacks that are high in sugar and fat.
  9. Flavor foods with salsa, lemon juice and vinegars instead of high-fat condiments like butter, mayonnaise and high-fat dressings.

Certain vitamins and minerals such as iron, riboflavin (vitamin B2), vitamin B12, calcium and zinc must be consumed in adequate amounts. These typically are found in animal based foods. Fortified soymilks are great for boosting calcium and vitamin B12. Eggs also are a great source of B12. Outstanding iron sources include fortified breakfast cereals, bread, textured vegetable protein, legumes, dried beans, nuts, dried fruit and green leafy vegetables. Eating rich sources of vitamin C with meats will help enhance iron absorption.

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